Tre, Doug, Brian, and Bruce had a great hike up Mt.
Rainier. Bri and Bruce left Whidbey at 5:40am, got to Doug and Tre's at
7am and then we all left Seattle at 7:30am. We made it to Paradise at
10:30am. Then, we got checked in and started hiking at 11:30. Bri/Tre
made it to base came at 3pm and Doug/Bruce at 4pm. The shelter was closed
for repairs so we stayed out in the open air and in the tent. We woke
up at 1am and left camp at 2 (after a hearty breakfast). Bruce made it
up to just below Disappointment Cleaver and then his cough got the best
of him. He turned back and got back to base camp at 5:30am. The boys made
it to the top at 8am and then all the way back to the parking lot at 2:45pm.
We then had a great meal on the way home and headed back to Seattle.
What a trip!!!! (click the photo to see a larger picture) |