Langley, Washington

More Photos Around Langley

Driving in on Saratoga Road Some statistics on Langley (remember the total is 2955)
Some wild flowers Some more
The bookstore Some visitors in the front lawn
The "Dog House" (one of our favorite eating places) - the entrace is on the side


From Seattle, take I-5 north to the Mukilteo Ferry Exit (#l89) (a 30 minute drive). Then travel Hwy. 525 to the Mukilteo ferry terminal and take a 20-minute ferry ride to Clinton, the southern-most community on Whidbey. Boats leave every 30 minutes for the 20 minute crossing.

Langley is located on the southeastern edge of Whidbey Island. From Highway 525 on Whidbey Island turn east on the Langley Road. Turn right on Cascade Avenue and you're in Langley.