This web site is designed to be a resource to help you find interesting facts about Brereton history and genealogy. For example:
- information about the Brereton surname and the Motto
- different ways to spell Brereton
- the Brereton History, the Brereton Coat of Arms, other Brereton sites
William Hooper has a request concerning Eleanor Brereton (1810-1878) ... if you have any information, please contact him. |
A note from Bob Jodan about the Arthur Brereton line that came from Ireland. |
John Brereton published a book that is called "The Readeption of Colonel Brereton". This book is about Thomas Brereton of Bristol and charts his ancestry from the Breretons of Chesire through the Irish branch and his siblings leaving for America in the 19th century. Click here for more details. |
I'm researching my family history and from my Brereton line I have managed to trace back to Edward Brereton who was born in Dublin, Ireland between 1808 and 1811 and died in Liverpool, Lancashire, England on the 7th January 1870. He married Charlotte Brandon (1811, Liverpool - 1867, Liverpool). If any help could be given I would greatly appreciate it.
- Jake Brereton <> |
If you would like, join our "Brereton Family" or "Brereton Family Genealogy" Facebook groups.
From Bruce Brereton (website editor): We lived in New Zealand recently and we decided to visit Picton for the holidays. We got off the ferry and saw this sign: |
Then we found this "Brereton Jeweller" and it was Murray Brereton. Murry has send us several emails about Brereton's (that are on this website) and has completed the DNA test. Click here for more information about Murray and his "Brereton Blue Pearls". |